HIPAA compliant email

HIPAA compliant email service

E-mail regarding a patient’s health information or payment for treatments is considered private information under HIPAA. With this being the case, HIPAA regulations regarding information security are applicable to e-mails as well. Correspondence regarding a patient’s health or payment for health services must be treated as confidential under in the HIPAA Compliant Email policy.

The need for the outlined security measures—physical, technical, and administrative—are at an all-time high. American companies have been targeted by cybercriminals searching for sensitive information. While it is impossible to stop every attack, compliance with HIPAA regulations will go a long way in preventing a data breach.

E-mail is a method of communication that takes additional steps to secure. Companies often need to develop policy that limits employee access to confidential e-mails. Network solutions are also a common method to secure sensitive e-mails from compromise.

  • In order to comply with HIPAA regulations, any e-mail containing PHI must be protected from possible compromise.
  • The need for strong policy regarding HIPAA Compliant Email is at an all-time high in light of recent criminal activity targeting sensitive consumer data.
  • E-mail falls into a category known as ePHI that requires special procedures to prevent a violation.
  • Telegenisys uses HIPAA compliant security in its email communication. Consider Telegenisys for HIPAA compliant case handling and data security.

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