Telegenisys has supported medical records retrieval process for many acquisition companies for decades. Processing over 60,000 requests per month, the teams deployed have experience and ability to rapidly and accurately process requests, support the process with excellent fee negotiations skills, follow-ups, records processing, sorting and summarizing and finally delivering in a secure HIPAA compliant environment to requestors.
Processing requests:
Our services work on SLAs, processing requests in hours to keep turn around times aggressive. Many of our insurance carrier SLAs require that we completely process requests by entering all the data required, inserting special instructions and request specifics, validating all elements of HIPAA compliance including authorization validity (dates, signatures, information scope etc.) within one hour. Typically, we can process requests within minutes of receipt so that medical providers are able to process them faster.
Calling medical facilities for copy fees and follow up
The volume of calls we handle means we know medical providers, copy services and state by state copy fee laws. We can negotiate fees, follow up on outstanding requests and collect medical records as rapidly as possible. Telegenisys staff has experience and ability to shorten cycle times.
Processing medical records
Telegenisys provides services for database entry, scanning, chronological sorting, organizing and summarizing medical records. We provide high quality summaries for a variety of special purposes. For more information on medical summaries.
We provide research and free resources to help organizations who need to collect records. When our clients are comfortable with the process we provide outsourced teams to do the work of implementing a superior record collection process. You can count on us for results and cost savings.
Most of the unpredictable and expensive outcomes in record requests stem from some of the following root causes:
- Inability to rapidly identify which provider has the record.
- Improper request formats that do not establish authority and scope of the request.
- Inappropriate expectations from providers that have published a policy on cycle times.
- HITECH requests that do not inform the provider of legal requirements.
- Trying to negotiate copy costs without concern for the time of the provider.
- Skipping use of appropriate LOR (Letter of Representation) or authority (subpoena etc.)
- Use of third-party copy services that delay the process in some states.
- Not taking advantage of electronic delivery of records.
- Post-processing duplicates, non-client information, and sometimes bad data.
We are also busy creating solutions for our clients. Some of these are:
- Integrated charts that are hyperlinked by using an extensible document object model.
- Event-based medical document organization which provides a searchable context for records based on provider type, event type, date, context, and summary.
- Automatic reference creation by using advanced annotation of ICD 10 billing codes and National Drug Codes (NDC) to help users of medical records.
- Our technology group is creating an advanced record request tracking system that integrates with third-party document systems using extensible and standard data exchange format.
If you already have a mature process reach out to us if you need a team to process record collection work 1-(707) 377-3799. Here are some free resources we have prepared for you.
Working with healthcare provider databases can be hard. Here are some resources to help create a comprehensive solution.
Free White-paper : Rapid and precise healthcare provider identification using the National provider index
US Department of health and human Services (CMS group) has created a database of over 5 Million healthcare providers. Virtually anyone paid by insurance in the US has an NPI registration and this identity uniquely identifies a provider. The database also exposes affiliations to group practices and hospitals to help determine who has the medical record required. Telegenisys has published a white paper to help you deploy the process. The whitepaper is free and you can request it here. With new end point data in this database users will be able to reach healthcare providers through email.
Free normalizing scripts for NPI database
HHS.gov also provides a Data Dissemination zip file https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Administrative-Simplification/NationalProvIdentStand/DataDissemination.html
The problem is that the tools you normally use to look at data files probably won’t do you any good because the source file is both too long and too wide for easy use. At last count, this file had 329 columns, and it tends to grow with each release. Reach out to us for normalization scripts to easily deploy your solutions. Email us at [email protected], and we’ll send you a copy of our scripts
Team management & attribution
When our teams are applied they help create a full audit trail as required by HIPAA laws. Our external HIPAA audits reaffirm our implementation.
- Dynamic knowledge-base creation for change management on our intranets.
- Full attribution spreadsheets of who touched records in any stage.
- Full case management using our Asana platform for project management.
- Full client communication access including voice and screen-share using the encrypted Slack platform.
- Frequent client meeting to ensure compliance tracking.
Our teams are dedicated to results no matter how challenging the work procedure.
Medical record organization
Record organization teams at TGSI ensure that the records are correct and carefully organize them by event chronology creating several hyperlinked table of contents by event type, provider type, record type. We support cancer research, healthcare, insurance and legal support merging and organizing records that often run into thousands of pages. Our organization presents a more meaningful, rapidly accessible view of patient medical history.
Request tracking system
Telegenisys has developed a record collection software solution to track and invoice record requests to completion. The platform includes a delivery system that is HIPAA compliant and can be customized to client policies and application specifics. The system features:
- Custom interfaces to pickup client requests.
- NPI resolver for identifying location of records.
- Full call center module to followup on open requests.
- Highly automated time saving templates for fax and email integration.
- Powered by industry standard databases.
- Fully integrated with our service teams.

Medical summaries
For medical practitioners like pain clinics, brain and spine surgeons among others we create chart summaries that are reviewed by medical professionals. For legal applications, we create chronology supported by pain assessments, mass tort spreadsheets for multiple cases, medication comparisons etc. Many times attorneys require updates which are easily possible using our pdf embedded databases. For insurance, we produce life certificates, chronologies. We can create references for all ICD codes and NDC drug codes in a medical record for simple and rapid reference.