GIS data Creation

GIS data creation

GIS data creation is the extraction in digital form of real world data to be used for analysis or visualization.  It helps explain the existing scenarios or model in reference to the geographical location of targets. GIS data is the basis for such decision making on a GIS platform. There are two major types of GIS data; “Vector Data” and “Raster Data”. Vector data uses with geometric baseline to represent the data from the perspectives of the cartographers. Raster data on the other had is cell-based data that are stored in picture format using digital number value for each cell of the image. In order to produce GIS data, valid spatial and attribute data is essential, and this involves a software input system such as ArcGIS, QGIS, ERDAS, as well as potentially hardware supports such as GPS devices.

GIS data creation is a multi stage process (i.e. Geo-referencing, Digitizing, GPS data integration, or coordinate data import, attribute table import, and join data with spatial extension) and it requires careful management and nurturing to create a reliable and accurate database. Telegenisys is highly efficient and precise in inputting and managing GIS data; the GIS team of Telegenisys provides data creation facilities for all types and industry sectors that use GIS system for analysis and decision-making.

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