Medical Record Retrieval Services

Medical record retrieval

Record retrieval

Record retrieval is fast and easy with record retrieval services from Telegenisys. Telegenisys has been providing high-quality record retrieval services for more than a decade. We’re committed to getting you the information as quickly and efficiently as possible so your team can stay on track!

Things to know about our Medical Record Retrieval:

  1. Faster Record Collection!
  2. Go Digital!
  3. Rich and mature services
  4. Superior Logistics
  5. Types of use cases we support
  6. Benefits
  7. Hi-Tech Solutions
  8. Superior Reporting System
  9. Speedy Retrieval
  10. Global Retrieval Experience
  11. Service attributes that support global retrieval
  12. Client-centric Retrieval
  13. Cost Containment Efficiencies
  14. Features

Faster Record Collection!

When you need medical records we take the assignment with serious urgency. Our SLAs are designed to get the request out in as little as 4 business hours. Follow-up calls in as little as 8 business hours. Our follow-up policy is designed to give providers time to respond but we take provider commitments seriously. If a provider indicates that records will be ready in 7 days you can be sure we will follow up in exactly 7 days and exactly the way their policy states.

With significant experience retrieving medical records for a broad variety of use cases, we are decisive, determined, and assertive about getting the records to you as soon as possible. Our rush SLAs are designed to keep administrative time to send out requests within 24 hrs.

Due to the depth of our knowledge and experience with medical record retrieval, we handle a variety of use cases from patient intake for cancer and genomic study clinics to complete record retrieval for research, chart retrieval for insurance, and detailed annotated records retrieval.

Contact us now for faster record collection.

Go Digital!

Most providers are required to provide you data in digital files (not faxes). This data is delivered in XML (HL7 FHIR) format. Telegenisys has built software to output this in easy to read human-readable format. For over 90% of providers, our clients do not need to struggle with low-quality faxes.

Got all the records you need? Find out about our sufficiency-tested record collection.

If you have ever forgotten a specific provider record or type of report, you will love sufficiency testing. Find out more about sufficiency tests at

Rich and mature services

Our processes are HIPAA Certified, ISO quality compliant, ISO Secure, reputable, and our attention to detail is incomparable. From request creation, to record organizationchronologies, and summaries we are deeply engaged in the medical data transmission process. Telegenisys provides both consulting and outsourced teams to streamline and accelerate medical record retrieval. We provide research and free resources to help organizations that need to collect records. When our clients are comfortable with the process we provide outsourced teams to do the work of implementing a superior record collection process. You can count on us for results and cost savings.

Whew, the pandemic! See how Telegenisys is reacting to challenges.

Telegenisys wrote about experiences with the pandemic which allowed us the opportunity to adjust our processes for clients. Read more about it our pandemic response at

Superior Logistics

Whether you have thousands of requests to add at a time or one, the Telegenisys MRR records portal is capable of data uploads and integration. Every case is assigned a collection case specialist who takes responsibility for the progress of every request with daily updates to ensure that follow-up is on time and delivery is on schedule. Unlike other providers, we provide an estimated collection date and update it with every contact. Regardless of the deadlines that drive our clients, they are assured of our best estimate at all times. With integration to the National Provider Index, our database delivers instant data on 5.4 Million medical providers. From request intake to record delivery the process is closely managed, planned, and delivers the service excellence we strive to deliver.

What is medical record retrieval and what use cases does Telegenisys support?

Medical record retrieval service fetches records from care-providing facilities to clients and their representatives. We collect records for pharmaceutical companies doing clinical trials, lawyers, healthcare patient intake, and insurance companies. We use the HiTech services and the traditional process depending on what process the facility employs. We are geared to guard against modern threats to personal information when using electronic transmission of medical data.

Types of use cases we support


Litigation Support Record Retrieval

We can provide medical record retrieval to assist attorneys in medical malpractice, personal injury, medical negligence, and wrongful death cases.

Telegenisys medical record retrieval service can provide you with anything you need for medical malpractice litigation support. Our medical record retrieval services can help your medical malpractice litigation support team to identify medical records that are important to the case. In addition to medical record retrieval, we offer a full suite of litigation support services including medical research, medical chronology, timeline presentations, and expertly prepared medical summaries.

Specialized services.

Outsourcing your record retrieval process significantly reduces the time spent by your staff on this activity. Our record retrieval process is specially designed to support billing retrieval and our follow-through chronology services ensure that you have all the information required to improve client outcomes. More information on medical record retrieval for law firms is here.

APS Retrieval for Life Insurance Companies

We are one of a few companies that offer medical record sufficiency tests. This helps us develop more complete medical risk data and ensures that underwriter questions are answered. When combined with chronological index/sort services we ensure that underwriters have the information organized for quick decisions. Our follow-through APS summaries can be customized and integrated without record organization. This unifies the services so that a complete underwriting support package can be customized to client needs

Retrospective Medical Record Retrieval For Pharmaceutical Companies

Our pharma and research records retrieval process analyses each data recorded, which includes all kinds of information from educational backgrounds to the latest radiology films to ensure sufficient data is available in your records for research. It also detects any gaps or missing information in detail and presents it to you for amendment.

Retrieval for HEDIS Audit Support

Telegenisys HEDIS solution helps health plans assess the quality of care and service rapidly. Telegenisys records portal allows for multiple cases to be retrieved simultaneously to meet the audit timeframe. Save time and money while collecting multiple sets of records for the same patient.

As charts are retrieved are accessible from the Telegenisys HIPAA cloud. Telegenisys can provide case-level abstracts to further speed up audits.

Record Retrieval for Patient Intake and Updates

Telegenisys has developed an entirely customized workflow for healthcare retrievals. From “While You Wait” retrievals when patients are waiting in the office to doctor expedited retrieval we can get the records to meet your timelines without losing them in the fax machine or having them wait for filing. Our records are electronically delivered so they can be used immediately. Our follow-through services include record organization so records can be reviewed immediately and medical summaries to help healthcare professionals provide for faster data use.


  • Eliminate tedious medical records retrieval efforts by your staff and reduce the need to work with medical providers individually.
  • Get your records faster.
  • Avoid any image/radiology transfer downtime.
  • Transparency in retrieval status of the request, project, and facility levels.
  • HiTech support provides fast and safe transfer of records.
  • Far more cost-effective than alternative solutions.

Hi-Tech Solutions

Our hi-tech solutions obtain data from EHR systems directly (downloaded through hospital and provider portals used by records departments) and our systems are designed to handle XML (HL7 FHIR) data transmission so data can be extracted and viewed in pdf:

  • No quality depletion of data through imaging
  • Instant transmission without mail or fax delays
  • Integration of medical data directly into our analytics engine which generates timelines and summaries.

Superior Reporting System

  • Real-time status updates.
  • The entire process, from request to billing, is entirely digital allowing you to save on delivery time.
  • We have implemented digital signatures so that you can authenticate the records online.
  • You get all the records in pdf format saving your time of scanning and converting hard copies from the hospitals. XML formats are available as well.
  • Telegenisys contracts with CITRIX HIPAA Cloud on Sharefile ensuring HIPAA compliance and management of digital records

Speedy Retrieval

  • Mature and controllable expedited process for streamlined record retrieval.
  • Faster provider identification with a direct connection to the provider database of 5.4 Million medical service providers. This is the same data that most insurance companies use for tracking provider payments.
  • 4-24 Hour service level agreements to get the medical request to the providers.
  • Commitment-based client-controlled follow-up policies.
  • Real-time records portal for instructions and status.
  • Regular updates throughout the entire process.
  • 24 Hour turnaround for digitizing/delivering records.
  • Instant access HIPAA cloud for storage and simple downloads.
  • System integration when volume demands it.

Global Retrieval Experience

  • National Record Retrieval (US Mainland and territories)
  • Canada Medical Records
  • Latin America Record Retrieval
  • Asia and Far East Record Retrieval Services
  • Europe / EU Zone
  • Russia
  • China

General Notes On International Retrieval

In some countries, medical records are maintained by the patient as providers do not have EHR systems. In these cases, Telegenisys must rely on patients to obtain their records.

Service attributes that support global retrieval

  • Language & Translation Services
  • Record Organization Support for Foreign Records
  • A normalizing reference model for foreign records
  • Turn around time for record retrieval

Client-centric Retrieval

We hold customer service in high regard in our company. Your requirements are our priority. You, as the customer, dictate the terms on what you want. And it is our job to deliver it to you.

For more read our medical record retrieval blog at

Additional resources

Request our medical record retrieval document set

12 + 13 =

Cost Containment Efficiencies

Facility handling

During vendor implementation, we call the clients to review and identify “specific instructions” to understand how best to obtain their records and make requests to fulfill sufficiency in one go.

Provider matching

We start with facility verification to ensure that the requests are going to the correct facility for which we rely on our NPI database to establish the correct facility or unique providers, organizing requests by sites and preferred retrieval methods. We also ask our clients for all required documentation upfront and provide these along with the authorization request.

Request letters

We download authorization request forms and fill these according to the client requirement. We create client-specific transmittal letters and send them to the facility medical records department. Depending on the facility requirement separate requests are prepared for billing and radiology records. Multiple requests are sent simultaneously to streamline the process.


Retrieval prioritization

We call the facility and verify the receipt of the request and request a tentative turn around time.

Retrieval methods

Providers send records via fax, secure email, and upload to our secure ShareFile portal. We also accept hard copies sent to us by USPS and convert these to the digital format. The physical copies are then shredded and destroyed in compliance with HIPAA. Digital copies are deleted on required schedules to ensure that protected health information is indeed protected.

Follow-up calls

We track the status of our requests by calling the facility on the dates they have asked us to call. All this information is updated in realtime on the tracker. The tracker shows the estimated collection date and highlights any delays for client guidance.

Managing client issues and escalations

The calling team is prompt in reporting any problems with the client. The manager calls the facilities and discusses ways to sort the issues whether it is a problem with some delivery or they require additional documents.

Record storage and delivery

Retrieved records stored in our secure HIPAA compliant cloud. These digital records are delivered to the client by sharing a link. There is little to no transfer downtime for seamless integration. Digitized records can be viewed directly or delivered to clients through secure transmission.



Our account managers have several ways of communicating with clients, including dashboards and detailed reports showing current project status. Authorized client users can also access our systems directly to track progress, view records, and approve copy fees if they fall outside the policy range.


Over a decade in medical records retrieval
HITECH retrieval support
Over 5 million medical providers with instant lookup
Rapid access to US providers
Average 12-day retrieval
Real-time status updates on record retrieval portal
Automated billing for retrieval and services
Record sufficiency tests as per client instructions
Retrieval followup policy control
Nationwide onsite copy service support if needed
Electronic access to data from many hospitals
Support for film and special retrievals
Support for electronic signatures
Support for medical record organization

Contact us now to experience a hassle-free and smooth retrieval process to obtain and organize/index your medical records.

Medical Record Organization Services

Visualize Medical records
Research Report - Making Sense of PDF Medical Records

Our services

Medical summary – 100+ formats

Medical summary – examples

Medical chronology – samples

Medical summary for life expectancy evaluations


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